Nate Nelson, American Majority Action


Conservative Group’s Ground-Game Hit 145,000 Live Voter Contacts to Get out the Vote

American Majority Action Spurring Conservative Absentee Voting

April 13, 2020 – With a tight margin in the Wisconsin Supreme Court Election, American Majority Action (AMA)’s 145,000 Live Voter Touches and 35,500 Live Voting Conversations were critical to turning out the conservative vote.  AMA led the fight to get conservatives to request their absentee ballots and vote early, helping thousands of conservatives to get their ballots and send them in. 

Nate Nelson, the Wisconsin Executive Director of American Majority Action, said, “While the Liberals tried to create chaos with this election by changing the rules, we adapted our tactics to encourage conservatives to request absentee ballots. We engaged in over 35,500 live conversations over phone calls and text messages with targeted voters. We chased those absentee ballot requests to make sure our voters returned their ballots on time. Voters recognized this was a critical election and wanted to ensure their vote was counted. Much attention is traditionally paid to spending on the airwaves, but a personal contact over the phone or from a volunteer texting you can make a lasting impression. We found great reception from voters to our message of needing to request absentee ballots to keep Justice Dan Kelly and the need for a Justice who will follow the rule of law and the Wisconsin Constitution.” 

With the challenges of reaching voters during the COVID-19 pandemic, live phone calls and peer to peer text messages were the two most effective ways to turn out the vote. AMA’s activist groundswell was powered by Voter Gravity’s groundbreaking technology that allows staff to quickly and accurately get out the vote through micro-targeting voters.  


American Majority Action is a conservative organization dedicated to engaging citizens in the political process by mobilizing them in support of candidates who favor limited government, individual freedom and protecting the free market. AMA is founded on the belief that citizen engagement at the local, state and Federal levels will foster needed systemic change to preserve the American dream. American Majority Action coined the term “I Stand with Walker” during the 2011 protests in Madison and has been active in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, and 2019 elections in Wisconsin. Find out more at