Matt Batzel, American Majority Action
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Conservative Group’s Ground-Game Hits 50,000 Door Knocks to Get out the Vote for Ron Johnson
American Majority Action Knocks on 50,000th Door in Wisconsin
November 4, 2016 – With only days remaining in the 2016 election cycle, American Majority Action (AMA) has just surpassed 50,000 knocks on targeted doors of voters in Wisconsin. AMA’s ground game is creating a stir among voters in the Badger State as AMA staff and volunteers activate conservative voters.
AMA’s National Executive Director Matt Batzel said “Control of the US Senate comes down to Wisconsin. This Senate race will be won or lost on the doors in key neighborhoods. For the second election cycle in a row, AMA has knocked on more than 50,000 doors engaging in meaningful discussions with voters. These conversations break through the noise of internet or TV ads, driving undecided and unlikely voters to the polls to support conservative reform.”
Face-to-face connections are the highest form of voter engagement and are shown to greatly increase election turnout. AMA’s activist groundswell is powered by Voter Gravity’s groundbreaking technology that allows staff to quickly and accurately get out the vote through micro-targeting voters.
They are working in critical areas of the state including Winnebago, Outagamie, Brown, Marathon, Chippewa, and Fond du Lac Counties. The outcome of the election could be determined in these key counties where door knocks have exceeded 50,000 contacts.
In addition to Wisconsin, AMA is also targeting US Senate and House races in Colorado.
American Majority Action is a conservative organization dedicated to engaging citizens in the political process by mobilizing them in support of candidates who favor limited government, individual freedom and protecting the free market. AMA is founded on the belief that citizen engagement at the local, state and Federal levels will foster needed systemic change to preserve the American dream. American Majority Action coined the term “I Stand with Walker” during the 2011 protests in Madison and has been active in 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2014 elections in Wisconsin. Find out more at